Knowing your purpose
When I was younger, I learnt how to play the piano. I had a brilliant teacher who taught me to understand the intention of the composer and the structure of the music. She shared the key principles of the music, the motifs, the rhythm, the pitch, the tone and so on. 

 These principles, she described as the ‘story-tellers’ and how composers eloquently used them so that they could lead their audience to feel what they desired.
In business, we know we get the best results when we understand the structure and communication patterns of our customer’s preferred language. 

We also know that we are emotional beings before we are rational or logical beings! 

So, when we communicate we have to know how to take our audience on the emotional journey that will lead them to coming to the conclusion we desire.
Together with Chris Parker, a unique management trainer and author of 17 published books including the best-selling The Brain Always Wins, we will be sharing the key principles of Business Presentations, Language that Sells and Communication that Creates Futures so that you can use them to sell more, motivate and persuade more, and grow your career.
If you would like to sharpen your skills, do click here for more details!
Today, I dug out my music. Here is me playing the chorus from Handel – Arrival of the Queen of Sheba. It is a little rusty – although I remembered how much I love to play!