Give Brilliant Presentations at the University of Derby
I’m really happy to be presenting to the BA (Hons) Health and Social Care Students at the University of Derby this Wednesday on how to Give Brilliant Presentations!
In university, (and in business), presentations can be used to assess your understanding of a topic or module. The more skilled you are at presenting – both formally and informally – the better your results!
I will be sharing a six step proven process to delivering powerful presentations and getting the results you want.
Because I remember how it feels to know your content but when you walk in the room and stand in front of your audience, your adrenalin and emotional state gets the better of you and everything goes to pot! You deliver a performance not in line with your capability and you feel like you’ve let yourself down.
When you learn how to flip it and manage your adrenalin and emotional state in a positive way, you will feel in control and deliver a brilliant performance! Your results will soar and you will feel good!